Welcome to Owasso Fitness Sanctuary

Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth.

Together, we strive for excellence in health and well-being.

We are unapologetically committed to helping you reach your fitness goals.

Our team

Mashawn Copeland

Founder, Personal Trainer, CPT ACE

Having played college football, I’ve always been drawn to the world of physical performance. Over the past 15 years, I've deeply immersed myself in strength training, nutrition, and overall wellness. Whether it's lifting weights, mastering functional movements, or crafting personalized nutrition plans, I've dedicated myself to understanding the science behind a healthy lifestyle. As a certified personal trainer with Aces, I've had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the transformative power of fitness. There's nothing more fulfilling than guiding individuals toward their fitness goals and witnessing them unlock their potential, both physically and mentally. To me, fitness is more than just aesthetics—it's about empowerment. That's why my mission is clear: to inspire and support my clients as they embark on their journey to becoming the best versions of themselves.

Haylee Copeland

Owner, Personal Trainer

As a former high school athlete, I found my passion for movement through basketball and cheerleading. These experiences taught me discipline, teamwork, and the joy of physical expression. Beyond school, I embraced Metcon workouts and strength training, sculpting my body and fostering endurance. Motherhood added a new dimension to my journey,emphasizing the importance of health for my children's sake. Recognizing the significance of holistic wellness, I prioritize nourishing food, restorative sleep, and mindful movement. Today, as a mom of two, I strive to be a healthy, happy, and strong role model, embracing every moment as an opportunity for growth—for myself and for us.

Our Approach

Consistency over Intensity

At Fitness Sanctuary, we’re not your typical fitness facility. We’re a community of like-minded individuals who believe that fitness should be accessible, supportive, and sustainable. We believe in the power of encouragement and accountability, recognizing that having a supportive network can make all the difference in achieving your fitness goals. Whether you’re a complete newbie or someone looking to reignite their passion for health, we’ve got your back. Our Approach: Consistency over Intensity

Why We’re Different

Friendly Atmosphere: Walk through our doors, and you’ll feel the warmth of our community. We’re not about intimidating glares or ego-driven workouts. Instead, we greet you with smiles, high-fives, and genuine encouragement. You’re part of the family now.

Mindful Fitness: We understand that fitness is a journey, not a sprint. It’s about showing up consistently, day after day. Forget the extreme boot camp mentality—our focus is on gradual progress. Small steps lead to big transformations.

Functional Training: Say goodbye to cookie-cutter workouts. Our functional training approach emphasizes movements that matter in real life. Whether you’re lifting groceries, playing with your kids, or tackling everyday tasks, we’ve got you covered.

Six-Week Programs: Structure matters. Our six-week programs are meticulously designed to build strength, improve mobility, and boost confidence. No guesswork—just a clear path toward your goals.

Guaranteed Results: We don’t promise miracles, but we do guarantee results. Stick with us, follow the plan, and watch your body and mind transform. It’s not magic; it’s science.